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Sleep Like a Marine: The Military Method to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes

The military knows a tired soldier is a dead soldier. Without sleep your ability to think and function can be drastically impaired, making it a top priority for healthy soldiers. With that in mind, the military has spent countless hours developing and researching the best methods to fall asleep fast. Here's what they found.

The Military Method:

Developed by U.S. Navy pilots to help them fall asleep quckly in chaotic environments, the Military Method helps you relax and fall asleep in under two minutes.

1. Breathe Deeply

Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling fully to relax your body.

2. Relax Your Face

Start at the top of your head and gradually relax all the muscles in your face, moving downward. Release the tension at the top of your head. Keep relaxing as you move downward to your cheeks. Then your mouth. Now your jaw. Breathe deeply and let go of any muscle tension. Remember to relax your tongue and the muscles around your eyes.

3. Drop Your Shoulders and Arms

Once your face is relaxed, shift your attention to your neck, shoulders, and arms. Relax your neck and release any tension. Drop your shoulders down and let yourself sink into the bed. Focus on one arm at a time, relaxing your bicep, forearm, hand, and fingers. Repeat this process with the other arm.

4. Work Your Way Downward

After relaxing your shoulders and arms, move your focus to other parts of your body, relaxing them one by one. Start with your chest, then move to your abdomen and pelvis. Next, relax one leg at a time, focusing on your thigh, knee, calf, ankle, foot, and toes. Repeat with the other leg.

5. Clear Your Mind

Once your entire body is relaxed from head to toe, focus on clearing your mind. Imagine a calming scene, like lying in a meadow under a blue sky or sleeping peacefully in a velvet hammock in a dark room. If visualization doesn’t work, repeat the phrase “Don’t think” in your mind for 10 seconds. If other thoughts arise, gently bring your focus back to your visualization or recitation.

Practicing this technique consistently for six weeks can help you master it, allowing you to fall asleep in under two minutes. It might take some getting used to, so don't give up if it doesn't work perfectly the first time.

If the Military Method isn't enough you might want to try a natural sleep supplement like Nature's Sleep Gummies. They contain ingredients designed to relax your body and help you fall asleep quickly and gently, making them a great addition to relaxation based sleep techniques like the Military Method.


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